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Plastic Pallets

Industrial Plastic Pallets 1200 x 1000

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Kunststoffpalette: Industriepalette IKP 1213 in Schwarz, Traglast: 5000 kg Statisch, 1000 kg Dynamisch, 400 kg im Hochregal
Art. no.274-30300220
TypeIKP 1213
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight14 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1000
Load capacity (in high-racking)400
Skids3 not welded
Detail Details & Offer
Kunststoffpalette: Industriepalette IKP 1213 in Schwarz, Traglast: 5000 kg Statisch, 1000 kg Dynamisch, 400 kg im Hochregal
Art. no.274-30303220
TypeIKP 1213
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight16.5 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1250
Load capacity (in high-racking)1000
Skids3 not welded
Detail Details & Offer
Kunststoffpalette: Industriepalette IKP 1213 in Schwarz, Traglast: 5000 kg Statisch, 1000 kg Dynamisch, 400 kg im Hochregal
Art. no.274-30304220
TypeIKP 1213
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight17.5 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1500
Load capacity (in high-racking)1250
Skids3 not welded
Detail Details & Offer
Art. no.274-30310220
TypeIKP 1213
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight14 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1000
Load capacity (in high-racking)400
Skids3 not welded
Anti-slip edge7 mm
Detail Details & Offer
Art. no.274-30313220
TypeIKP 1213
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight16.5 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1250
Load capacity (in high-racking)1000
Skids3 not welded
Anti-slip edge7 mm
Detail Details & Offer
Art. no.274-30314220
TypeIKP 1213
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight17.5 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1500
Load capacity (in high-racking)1250
Skids3 not welded
Anti-slip edge7 mm
Detail Details & Offer
Art. no.274-30510220
TypeIKP 1215
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight15 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1000
Load capacity (in high-racking)400
Skids5 not welded
Anti-slip edge7 mm
Detail Details & Offer
Art. no.274-30513220
TypeIKP 1215
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight17.5 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1250
Load capacity (in high-racking)1000
Skids5 not welded
Anti-slip edge7 mm
Detail Details & Offer
Art. no.274-30514220
TypeIKP 1215
Dimensions1200 x 1000 x 150 mm
Weight18.5 kg
Load capacity (static)5000
Load capacity (dynamic)1500
Load capacity (in high-racking)1250
Skids5 not welded
Anti-slip edge7 mm
Detail Details & Offer

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Schutzrechte sind gegebenenfalls zu beachten.


Frequently Asked Questions

A plastic pallet 1200x1000 is also called an industrial pallet. The dimensions are in millimetres, so that we can speak exactly of 1.20 metres by one metre. In addition to the common and very light version made of plastic, there are also versions made of wood and composite materials. A distinction must be made between the plastic pallet 1200x1000 and a somewhat smaller Euro pallet. The latter is dominant in Europe, while the larger format is mainly used in the United Kingdom and Great Britain. An industrial pallet can be recognised by its five skids. A big advantage is that IBC containers as well as forklift trucks, lorries and production facilities are also adapted to the format, so handling is problem-free internationally.

Finally, an interesting fact: HDPE plastic has been used commercially since 1957 for cable insulation, in piping systems and packaging materials.

A plastic pallet with the dimensions 1200x1000 is called an industrial pallet. Strictly speaking, of course, all the other formats are also used in industry, but the name has become established. It is only the surface that is named and not the material, which can vary. Every industrial pallet is a so-called "four-way pallet". This refers to the possibility of working from all four sides with a forklift truck or pallet truck and ensuring transport. Within Europe, industrial pallets are classified by the European Pallet Association (EPAL) as type 2 and type 3 Euro pallets. Differences arise on the basis of the tare weight.

A plastic pallet, even as an industrial pallet, has the advantage of a low dead weight compared to its counterparts made of wood or composite materials. A distinction must be made between the number of skids, which can be three or five, and the presence of an anti-slip edge. The weight in the 1200x1000 format varies and is at least 14 kilograms up to 18.5 kilograms. The static load capacity is five tonnes on the data sheet and dynamically between one and one and a half tonnes are possible. In the high rack, the industrial pallets differ from each other and allow 400 to 1,250 kilograms.

If you have any further questions about our plastic pallet 1200x1000, our customer service will be happy to advise you by phone or using our contact form.